Female Genital Mutilation Report + Social Media Campaign

April + June 2022

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Tadwein for Gender Studies conducted a study in which they surveyed a total of 3285 households in 22 areas in Greater Cairo. The main aim of this study is to identify the various types of violence among young people in poor Greater Cairo in order to inform and influence preventive strategies. This report specifically focuses on FGM and is the first of a series of studies around topics of violence in Greater Cairo. I created the data visualization and layout design for the report.

Tadwein also ran a social media campaign aimed at raising awareness about female genital mutilation (FGM) by sharing their research findings on this taboo issue. FGM remains a prominent practice in Egypt despite the government’s efforts at eradicating it and the campaign sought to inform and educate the public about its prevalence and risks. My role in this project involved creating engaging and visually compelling social media content to effectively communicate Tadwein’s research findings to the Egyptian public. This included simple illustrations that humanized the data and presented complex research data in an accessible and understandable manner. Our posts stood out in social media feeds and attracted viewers and sparked dialogue, raised awareness, and advocated for the rights and health of women and girls in Egypt.